The first assignment for my Technology for Information Professionals class was a group project to interview a Systems or Technology Librarian. Now, many of us dread group projects, but I must say I had the best group ever (Thanks Amy and Jake!). We were all on the same page and put in out best effort for a seamless group project that literally paid off! We got our grade was the only 100% that our Professor gave out, and he even made a note that a high percentage like that is very rare but our project exceeded his expectations and then some! Woohoo!
Anyway, much of the credit is due to Amy Deschenes (yes, another Amy...we had three Amy's involved in this project), who is the Library Technology Specialist at Beatley, the Simmons College Library. Kudos to Amy for letting us barrage her with questions and answering them gracefully, insightfully and in a way that we non-techies understood! Here is a presentation of our paper which is based upon the interview with Amy, librarian extraordinaire. Click on the link below to view:
Systems Librarian Interview Presentation
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Beatley Library at Simmons College |
Whoops! I fixed the link to the should be available now!