Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Spring 2012

It's hard to believe I've been attending Simmons for a year now! I'm officially half way through the Graduate Program! This semester I'm taking an on-line class for the first time, Young Adult Literature.  I'm also taking a regular class on campus, Evaluation of Library Services.  I'm really enjoying the on-line class, which is intense and requires daily activity, but I don't mind because I'm saving time on my commute. 

In Young Adult Literature, we read three or four teen titles each week to see what teens are reading, what they like and why.  The discussions for this class are so interesting and I feel so passionate about Young Adult Librarianship that I've decided I would like to concentrate on and pursue a career in that field! I'm also becoming familiar with a lot of new technologies like Twitter, and Google Plus Hangouts, which are live video chats we use as our lectures.

Unfortunately, today's libraries are facing budget cuts and really have to defend and support the programming and services we offer.  In Evaluation of Library Services, we look at ways we can evaluate library services and programs to show what works well, is needed, is unnecessary, etc.  It is necessary for modern libraries and librarians to know how to evaluate library services and think critically about how to change and adapt to be the most productive based upon the communities we serve.

Stay tuned for more on assignments, thoughts and ideas!