Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Google and Cloud Computing

For last week's blog entry I was trying to figure out a way to transfer my Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to my blog (which is basically a wiki format) and there was no way to add an attachment (that I know of).  I was only able to add links, pictures or videos.  So my co-worker Kathy and I played around with Google Docs.  I really liked my experience using Google Docs and wikis in the past because they are open source and available online through Google to anyone (check out my recent blog on open source software if you haven't already to find out more).  You can make links to these tools open to the public, to anyone with the link or they can also be private.  There was actually a feature to transfer my PowerPoint slides to a Google Presentation, which allowed me to post the link here for all to view.

Because Google Docs(which includes more than just documents by the way; you can create presentations, wikis, calendars, etc.) stores all the info on the web, it's called Cloud Computing because all the info is stored in the "cloud" of the Internet.  This is great because the files don't take up space on your computer or flash drive, but you are dependent on Google always working correctly and must have Internet access.  As I mentioned before, it's great for group projects because everyone in the group has access to the project from wherever they are and can make changes, even all at the same time! I definitely plan on doing more cloud computing, mostly because it's convenient and allows me to easily share links with you!

To see what else Google has to offer check out this link:

To find out more about Cloud Computing and how it works check out this YouTube video:

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